Microsoft Takes Apple iPad Head On With Surface for Windows 8

Microsoft today officially announced their new tablet, Surface for Windows, in two flavors, one with ARM chips and one with Intel chips, like standard laptops.The first is called Surface for Windows RT, the second, Surface for Windows 8 Pro.

Not surprisingly, their foray into making their own hardware focuses on the tech specs, even when they are talking about making the software the main point. The press release calls out the virtues of a cover with a super thin keyboard (called a Smart Touch Cover, an integrated kickstand, VaporMg-branded molded magnesium alloy and the like. There’s no details out yet as to whether the keyboard will come with the tablet or be an add on, as yet.

Microsoft's Surface looks interesting, but nothing else matters to me until they announce price and we see battery life.The only way to compete in a market so utterly owned by Apple will be to encourage and support developers in creating apps for the device, or Microsoft will have a tablet-shaped Zune experience all over again.

Video and full presser below.


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